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- *os_390.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 08
- *OS390* *os390*
- This file contains the particularities for the OS/390 Unix version of Vim.
- 1. Your feedback is needed |OS390-feedback|
- 2. Building VIM for OS/390 Unix |OS390-building|
- 3. ASCII/EBCDIC dependent scripts |OS390-has-ebcdic|
- 4. Xterm Problems |OS390-xterm|
- 5. Motif Problems |OS390-Motif|
- 6. Known weaknesses |OS390-weaknesses|
- 7. Changes |OS390-changes|
- The port to OS/390 Unix was done by Ralf Schandl <schandl@de.ibm.com>
- for the redbook mentioned below.
- Also I am an IBMer, IBM is not responsible for this port, this is my
- private fun. If you have problems with this port, please contact me.
- If you want to use more Open Source Software on OS/390 Unix have a look
- at the following Redbook (www.redbooks.ibm.com):
- Mike MacIsaak et al
- "Open Source Software on OS/390 Unix"
- SG24-5944-00
- AFAIK a new edition of this redbook will be released in 2001.
- Changes or bugreports or both by:
- David Moore
- Anthony Giorgio
- and others
- ==============================================================================
- 1. Your feedback is needed *OS390-feedback*
- A lot of changes had to be done to the code to get Vim on OS/390 Unix. As most
- Unix programs it contained heavy ASCII dependencies. It might be, that I
- missed a ASCII dependency or that a new one has been added with a new feature
- or bug fix. Most programmers are simply not aware of possible ASCII/EBCDIC
- problems. If you hit a problem, that seems related to this, feel free to
- contact me at the email address above.
- Only if you report a bug, it is possible to fix it. Don't rely on someone else
- reporting it! Also see the section |bug-reports|.
- ==============================================================================
- 2. Building VIM for OS/390 Unix *OS390-building*
- A word on debugging code first: ~
- The normal run of configure adds the flag '-g' to the compiler options,
- to include debugging information into the executable. This information
- are normally removed from the executable with the strip command during
- installation. On OS/390 Unix, it is not possible to remove this from
- the executable. The strip command exists on OS/390 Unix and is called
- during the installation, but in fact it just does nothing.
- If you want to build Vim without debugging code, export the environment
- variable CFLAGS set to an empty string, before you call configure.
- >
- export CFLAGS=""
- <
- Building without X11: ~
- Note: I always used cc to build Vim, I never tried c89.
- If you build VIM without X11 support, compiling and building is
- straightforward, but don't forget to export _CC_CCMODE=1 before calling
- configure and make.
- >
- $ export _CC_CCMODE=1
- $./configure --with-features=big --without-x --enable-gui=no
- $ make
- $ make test
- <
- Note: Test 11 will fail, if you don't have gzip installed.
- Test 42 will fail, as VIM on OS/390 Unix doesn't support the multibyte
- feature. (David Moore: "Doesn't work _yet_! :-) I'll see what I
- can do.")
- As of 07. September 2001 Test 45 (folding) fails.
- >
- $ make install
- <
- Building with X11: ~
- There are two ways for building VIM with X11 support. You can link it
- statically with the X11 libraries or can bind it with the X11 DLLs. The
- statical link results in a huge executable (~13Mb), the dynamical linked
- executable is much smaller (~4.5Mb).
- Here is what you do, if you want Motif:
- a) Static link >
- $ configure --with-features=big --enable-gui=motif
- $ make
- <
- VIM is now linked statically with the X11 libraries.
- b) Dynamic link:
- Make VIM as described for the static link. Then change the contense of
- the 'auto/link.sed' file by appending: >
- s%-lXm *%/usr/lib/Xm.x %g
- s%-lX11 *%/usr/lib/X11.x %g
- s%-lSM *%/usr/lib/SM.x %g
- s%-lICE *%/usr/lib/ICE.x %g
- <
- Then do: >
- $ rm vim
- $ make
- <
- Now Vim is linked with the X11-DLLs.
- See the Makefile and the file link.sh on how link.sed is used.
- ==============================================================================
- 3. ASCII/EBCDIC dependent scripts *OS390-has-ebcdic*
- For the internal script language the feature "ebcdic" was added. With this
- you can fix ASCII dependent scripts like this:
- >
- if has("ebcdic")
- let space = 64
- else
- let space = 32
- endif
- <
- ==============================================================================
- 4. XTerm problems *OS390-xterm*
- I saw one problem with XTerm on OS390 Unix. The terminal code for moving the
- cursor to the left is wrong in the termlib database. Perhaps not wrong, but
- it didn't work with VIM syntax highlighting and command line cursor movement.
- If the highlighting is messed up while you type, but is ok after you refreshed
- the screen with <C-L> or if you can't move to the left with the cursor key on
- the command line, try adding >
- :set t_le=^H
- <
- to your .vimrc. NOTE: '^H' is one character, hit <C-V><C-H> to get it.
- ==============================================================================
- 5. Motif Problems *OS390-Motif*
- It seems that in the Motif library a translation from EBCDIC to ASCII for
- Mnemonic chars of the menus were forgotten. Even after I tried some
- conversion by hand, it still only works for opening menus (like <Alt-F> to
- open the file menu), but doesn't work for the menu items (like <Alt-F>O to
- open the file browser). No solution for this yet.
- ==============================================================================
- 6. Known weaknesses *OS390-weaknesses*
- - No binary search in tag files.
- The program /bin/sort sorts by ASCII value by default. This program is
- normally used by ctags to sort the tags. There might be a version of
- ctags out there, that does it right, but we can't be sure. So this seems to
- be a permanent restriction.
- - Multibyte support (utf-8) doesn't work, it's disabled at compile time.
- (|multibyte|)
- Never tested:
- - Perl interface (|perl|)
- - Hangul input (|hangul|)
- - Cscope interface (|cscope|)
- - Encryption support (|encryption|)
- - Langmap (|'langmap'|)
- - Python support (|Python|)
- - Right-to-left mode (|'rightleft'|)
- - SNiFF+ interface (|sniff|)
- - TCL interface (|tcl|)
- ....
- If you try on of this and it works drop me a note!!
- ==============================================================================
- 7. Changes *OS390-changes*
- This doesn't include all changes made for EBCDIC/OS390, but is just a
- reference for me.
- 6.0au:
- Changed configure.in
- Changed documentation.
- Anthony Giorgio fixed the errorbell.
- David Moore found some problems, which were fixed by Bram and/or David for
- 6.0au.
- 6.0q (alpha):
- Minor changes for nrformats=alpha (see |'nrformats'|).
- Problem with hardcoded keycode for the english pound sign. Added a define in
- ascii.h
- Disabled multibyte for EBCDIC in feature.h
- 6.0f (alpha):
- First compile of Vim 6 on OS/390 Unix. Some minor changes were needed.
- Finally found the reason why make from the toplevel didn't work (I must have
- been blind before!). The Makefile contained a list of targets in one target
- line. On all other Unixes the macro $@ evaluates to the first target in this
- list, only on OS/390 Unix it evaluates to the last one :-(.
- 5.6-390d:
- Cleaned up some hacks.
- 5.6-390c:
- I greped thru the source and examined every spot with a character
- involved in a operation (+-). I hope I now found all EBCDIC/ASCII
- stuff, but ....
- Fixed:
- - fixed warning message in do_fixdel()
- - fixed translation from Ctrl-Char to symbolic name (like ^h to CTRL-H)
- for :help
- - fixed yank/delete/... into register
- - fixed :register command
- - fixed viminfo register storing
- - fixed quick-access table in findoptions()
- - fixed 'g^H' select mode
- - fixed tgetstr() 'get terminal capability string', ESC and
- Ctrl chars where wrong. (Not used on OS 390 Unix)
- ctags:
- - added trigraphs support (used in prolog of system header files)
- (get.c)
- - fixed sorting order with LC_COLLATE=S390 to force EBCDIC sorting.
- (sort.c)
- 5.6-390b:
- Changed:
- - configure.in:
- - added test for OS/390 Unix
- - added special compiler and linker options if building with X11
- - configure:
- - after created via autoconf handedited it to make the test for
- ICEConnectionNumber work. This is a autoconf problem. OS/390 Unix
- needs -lX11 for this.
- - Makefile
- - Don't include the lib directories ('-L...') into the variable
- ALL_LIBS. Use own variable ALL_LIB_DIRS instead. A fully POSIX
- compliant compiler must not accept objects/libraries and options
- mixed. Now we can call the linker like this:
- Fixed:
- - Double quote couldn't be entered
- Missed ASCII dependencies while setting up terminal
- In ASCII 127 is the delete char, in EBCDIC codepage 1047 the value 127
- is the double quote.
- - fixed ':fixdel'
- 5.6-390a:
- first alpha release for OS/390 Unix.
- Addition:
- - For the internal script language I added the feature "ebcdic".
- This can be queried with the has()-function of the internal
- script language.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- vim:tw=78:fo=tcq2:ts=8:ft=help:norl: